Observing Codes Homework

Thomas Wells

Observing Codes Homework

Clip used = The Emperor’s Throne Room – Return of the Jedi [1080p HD]

Technical Codes:

The scene begins with a very distant shot showing just how large the Death Star really is.
(0:00 – 0:04)

As Luke and Darth Vader are walking up the stairs towards the Emperor, there is a wide shot displaying the surroundings, along with his throne against a large window in the background.
(0:15 – 0:23)

There is a brief close up shot showing Luke’s facial expression. It is clear that he feels angry at the Emperor’s actions and nervous of coming face to face with him.
(1:02 – 1:04)

An over the shoulder shot is used as Luke looks outside at the unfolding Battle of Endor.
(3:18 – 3:21)

Many transitions are used in this scene to express the emotions and feelings of the characters, as well as with the actions that are taking place.

Visual Codes:

The scene takes place in the Emperor’s throne room, which has very dim lighting, making it seem like somewhere to stay clear of.

Any lighting present in the room is from the various technological devices that are commonly seen, such as the red lights that switch on as the elevator door opens. This creates a very ominous vibe to the scene.

There is one moment when the Emperor turns around in his throne and faces Luke and Darth Vader. This informs the audience that an important conversation.

The Emperor is wearing a long black cloak that covers most of his head and his body, meaning that you can only see his hands and face. This type of clothing is what you would likely expect antagonists to wear.

Whilst the setting is in a dark location, some may notice that the studio lighting can be seen projected onto the characters, which suggests that they did not have the technology at the time to prevent this from happening.

Audio Codes:

There is a drastic change from when the death star is shown and when Luke and Darth Vader enter the Emperor’s throne room. This signals one of the very important parts in the film.

The background audio stops just as the Emperor is about to speak to them. This is so that you can hear what he is saying as well as the tone of his voice. Some audio can be heard in the background, although it is significantly quieter.

Darth Vader can be heard breathing throughout almost the entire scene, making it more atmospheric and reminding us of his eerie presence.


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