Introduction to the Psycho Shower Scene

Introduction to the
Psycho Shower Scene Task

Our Task:

Our task was to take a look at a silent version of the shower scene from psycho and think about which sounds we could put over it, such as pouring rice into a container for the running water and a deflating balloon for the screaming.

Definition of Foley:

Foley is the process of creating additional sounds for film footage. An exemple would be a montage of various scenes with the use of background music, known as Non-diegetic sound.

Our workshop provided many objects that we could use for sound effects, including the rice and the deflating balloon as mentioned above, as well as using a knife to "stab" a cabbage for the woman being killed. We sometimes had to make our own sounds, notably recording footsteps as audio for the murderer entering the bathroom.

What went well?

Recording the sounds was overall a very easy process and gave us a chance to improvise with the various objects provided.

What didn't go so well?

The hardest sound to recreate was the stabbing. This was mainly because it was difficault to make it sound like a knife piercing something.

Editing Process:

For the editing, I am using Adobe Premiere as I have used it many times throughout my GCSEs and my previous media course.

So far, I am finding it to be quite a simple process, as I am currently arranging the recordings into their appropriate positions.

This task still requires more to be done, but it is not very far from completion. It mainly revolves around adding in more recordings and potentially a soundtrack.


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