Lighting Post

We went over the key features of four different lighting types. These included the Horror lighting, the RedHead lighting, the Arri 3-point lighting and the Dedo lighting.

The Horror lighting had a power usage of 900 watts. It is used to create an eerie effect, which is done by shining the light below the person so that his/her face will be lit up with some distinct shadows. The colour of the lighting can also be changed with the coloured gells. In this scenario, we had the option of red and blue, and I can be seen here using the red one.

The lighting comes with very good focus making it more effective on the object it is facing.

The RedHead lighting was the brightest lighting type out of all four of them, and emitted the most heat as well. It had a power usage of 2400 watts. The brighness could be reduced by using the barn doors that are equipped.

The Ari 3 point lighting had a power usage of 900 watts, making it similar to the Horror lighting as mentioned above. One of the main differences is that it is brighter than the horror lighting and has better adjustments to it.

The Dedo lighting had a power usage of 450 watts and overall very dim lighting and poor focus, making it the least effective out of all of the lighting types. On the positive side, it was possibly the easiest to use.


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