Scene soundtrack analysis

Scene soundtrack analysis


Scene – Star Wars VII, Starkiller Base firing



When Starkiller Base fires its superlaser, a violin soundtrack immediately begins playing. It consists of a very dramatic and sad tone. It comes across as dramatic due to the sheer scale of the superweapon and its laser, and sad as it reminds us of the destruction it will eventually bring to a faraway star system.

The soundtrack has a very slow tempo, and fits in very well with other sound effects in use at the same time. As mentioned above, a violin is the main instrument for this soundtrack, which is perfect for slow paced music.

The timbre of the soundtrack is very distant from the other sound effects, but at the same time, it fits very well with them. The rhythm varies throughout the scene, as later on, when we see several planets being destroyed, the soundtrack picks up a sharper, sadder pitch, which dies down after the destruction has happened.


Incidental Sounds

There are a variety of sounds signalling the firing of the superweapon, such as the orders being given, and the sound of General Hux (commander of the weapon) shouting "FIRE!".


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