
Showing posts from January, 2018

Steve's Lesson (30/01/2018)

Today, I started to write down the synopsis for my interactive film website.

My role in creating the website

My role is to create the site map for my production. This requires me to look at our website so far and create a flowchart to note down each page and display where they will lead to next. Here is an example of what a typical site map looks like Here is the site map that I have began to create for our interactive film

Report on Sound Effects

Clips used: (0:00 - 2:17) (0:00 - 0:53) Clip A: -Introduction- This clip is a scene from The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014). It shows the dragon, Smaug attacking Laketown, a small city-harbor. The end result is that the town is completely destroyed with many of its population killed. -Sounds used throughout the Clip- The scene opens up with Smaug swiftly approaching Laketown, his large scaled body mirroring the night sky. He takes a steep dive towards his target as his stomach can be seen igniting with flames as a roaring sound can be heard, as if you can hear his insides burning with fury. The sound of his wings flapping can be heard as he breaks his descent. When he reaches his target, fire comes spewing from his mouth, incinerating every person and structure in its path with sounds of incineration that have been exaggerated as a means to show its de

The Word - Flowchart

  An image of my flowchart showing the routes that the user would take when choosing to follow this particular storyline.

The Word - Mind map

The mind map that my group created as a plan for the production's plot


The Word Our target audience is going to be aimed at 15 year olds, but we predict that the film will attract a few 14 year olds as well. We intend for our work to be inspired by Scary Movie and to be done in a sweeded manner. What content is the target audience looking for? Our target audience will be looking for content along the lines of the horror genre, with some comedy included. What type of content do they tend to view and share? They would view and share content with a similar genre to our film. What questions are they asking? How are they going to go about making a horror film with a sweeded feel to it? Where will it be distributed? YouTube, Facebook, Instagram etc. How often will it be published? Twice a week.

Research Report into Social Networking Sites, Comparing & Evaluating

From the research I have gathered, I can conclude that social media is used by various different audiences to share information with one another, and also to promote various films through websites. For example, The Greatest Showman website provides a link that allows the user to purchase merchandise relating to the film etc. Institutions will at times attempt to compete with one another through the content that they post on social media or through the use of different websites with the hope of attracting a wider range of users for promotion. This of course gets them noticed more by the general public and heavily impacting them in a good way. These tactics can be seen on various websites such as the Jumanji website or the Early Man website, where you can find info on the characters and play games. from my survey, I can tell that people who use social media will often use multiple sites as opposed to just one. This is often the case with most people as they tend to search for a larg

Social Media Survey

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