Website Review

To some, the choice of colour on my group's website will come across as being quite bland, which it is meant to be. The background is a screenshot of brown cardboard to show the audience that we used sweeding in our production, which relies heavily on this material. There is also a heavy use of the colours yellow and black.

The layout consists of the production title positioned at the top centre of the screen, along with the four people starring in it (us), as well as the links to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

These links are positioned in this was so that it is obviously visible to whoever is on the website.

You can tell by the screenshot on the left that the the photographs aren't positioned very neatly and appear to be spread across the page in a very untidy fashion. This is because our production is supposed to look bad in some scenes by using cardboard and mini-figures in some scenes rather that live action, likely making them look messy.

A screenshot showcasing the
cardboard background and the various
links mentioned

A screenshot showcasing the characters
in their mini-figure form.

The pages on our website:

1)  Cast

Takes you to a page showcasing a photograph of each cast member and with a mini-figure variant as well. along with a quotation about what they think of the film industry.

2)  Who inspired us?

Takes you to a page showcasing a brief description of what the true inspirations for making our film were and why we were inspired by them.

3)  Synopsis

Takes you to a page showcasing a brief outline of the overall story.

4) Behind the Scenes

Takes you to a page showcasing behind the scenes pictures/videos as well as information regarding which day they were taken.

5) Get to know the characters

This will be displayed on the home page of the website. It showcases all of the characters in their mini-figure forms standing next to each other. They all have a link attached to them which takes you to a horror movie trailer, which will vary depending on what their segment is based on.


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