
Showing posts from October, 2017

Lighting Post

We went over the key features of four different lighting types. These included the Horror lighting, the RedHead lighting, the Arri 3-point lighting and the Dedo lighting. The Horror lighting had a power usage of 900 watts. It is used to create an eerie effect, which is done by shining the light below the person so that his/her face will be lit up with some distinct shadows. The colour of the lighting can also be changed with the coloured gells. In this scenario, we had the option of red and blue, and I can be seen here using the red one. The lighting comes with very good focus making it more effective on the object it is facing. The RedHead lighting was the brightest lighting type out of all four of them, and emitted the most heat as well. It had a power usage of 2400  watts. The brighness could be reduced by using the barn doors that are equipped. The Ari 3 point lighting had a power usage of 900 watts, making it similar to the Horror lighting as mentioned above. O



Photography Carousel Post

List under the following  Research that you carry out in these sessions Skills that you have tried We went over a briefing on how to use a DSLR camera and how you could change the outcome of your image. For example, the shutter speed, which you could alter in order for more or less light to be passed through the lens. The slower the shutter speed, the more light is let in, and the faster the shutter speed, the less is let in. You could change the aperture in order to increase the camera’s focus on whatever object it is facing. A focus of f/1.8 would focus on one particular feature, whilst a focus of f/22 would focus on content around the object as well. Processes We were assigned into groups and took it in turns for taking photographs. We used different techniques that we discussed before. An example of a photograph I took was of a flower with high focus and a blurred-out background. We transferred all of our images onto a computer via a memory car

Scene soundtrack analysis

Scene soundtrack analysis   Scene – Star Wars VII, Starkiller Base firing   Music When Starkiller Base fires its superlaser, a violin soundtrack immediately begins playing. It consists of a very dramatic and sad tone. It comes across as dramatic due to the sheer scale of the superweapon and its laser, and sad as it reminds us of the destruction it will eventually bring to a faraway star system. The soundtrack has a very slow tempo, and fits in very well with other sound effects in use at the same time. As mentioned above, a violin is the main instrument for this soundtrack, which is perfect for slow paced music. The timbre of the soundtrack is very distant from the other sound effects, but at the same time, it fits very well with them. The rhythm varies throughout the scene, as later on, when we see several planets being destroyed, the soundtrack picks up a sharper, sadder pitch, which dies down after the destruction has happened.   Incidental Sounds The

Introduction to the Psycho Shower Scene

Introduction to the Psycho Shower Scene Task Our Task: Our task was to take a look at a silent version of the shower scene from psycho and think about which sounds we could put over it, such as pouring rice into a container for the running water and a deflating balloon for the screaming. Definition of Foley: Foley is the process of creating additional sounds for film footage. An exemple would be a montage of various scenes with the use of background music, known as Non-diegetic sound. Our workshop provided many objects that we could use for sound effects, including the rice and the deflating balloon as mentioned above, as well as using a knife to "stab" a cabbage for the woman being killed. We sometimes had to make our own sounds, notably recording footsteps as audio for the murderer entering the bathroom. What went well? Recording the sounds was overall a very easy process and gave us a chance to improvise with the various objects provided.

Final Evaluation of the Carousel

Filming Carousel Post

1. Document what you did in the session on Tuesday and Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC) 2. List under the following   Processes carried out in the sessions: Processes a) To begin the sessions, We were assigned in to four different groups so that we could come up with a 1 minute advert for the BIC four colour pen. b) My groups idea was very different to that of the other groups. This was because our had a 'hippies on the moon' theme to it which I thought was a bit silly at first, but was suprised at how it worked later on. c) All four groups had to listen to the ideas developed by others so that we could vote on which one the advert would be based on. d) To my surprise, my group's idea actually ended up winning the vote, and it took a lot of thought into how to make it into a production. e) A makeshift spacecraft was set up for the 'landing on the moon' scene. It was primarily made up of a few chairs and a table